Tanya is a director and project lead, specialising in agile project management techniques. She is the programme lead for the long-running Front End Engineering & Design initiative, working with the leading biopharmaceutical company GlaxoSmithKline (GSK) across their global portfolio of projects. These range from site impact assessments to supply chain analysis and facility design.

Joining Bryden Wood in 2015 after several years as a structural engineer and in the FinTech (Finance/Technology) sector, Tanya’s focus was initially to strengthen Bryden Wood’s front end capability, incorporating an agile approach to project management, while also leveraging her background in engineering.

Tanya’s driver is always that projects follow the principles of Design to Value. This ensures that both the projects undertaken, and solutions developed, are right for the client and deliver maximum value. Incremental, iterative design, constant close collaboration with stakeholders and openness to change are key to this.

Tanya works closely with stakeholders to identify the business need and value drivers for projects, and to define their overall scope. She then brings together and manages multi-disciplinary, multi-national and multi-organisational teams to quickly identify and develop value-adding, innovative solutions. Minimising initial CapEx, OpEx and project risk, by designing, modular, flexible and expandable solutions, is a recurring theme.


